
etcd: consistent key-value store for shared configuration and service discovery.

也就是两个功能shared configuration和service discovery都是再k-v存储基础上的。存储类似redis, 写入,读取和更新都是通过改变这些kv值来实现。




$ etcdctl user list

## 添加用户myuser
$ etcdctl user add myuser (input password) 
Password of myuser: 
Type password of myuser again for confirmation: 
User myuser created

$ etcdctl role add goim   ## 添加role,名为goim
Role goim created

$ etcdctl user grant-role myuser goim ## 给用户myuser添加role:goim 
Role goim is granted to user myuser

$ etcdctl user get myuser  ## 查看myuser用户的信息
User: myuser
Roles: goim

$ etcdctl role grant-permission goim --prefix=true readwrite im/  ## 赋予role相应的权限
Role goim updated

$ etcdctl user add root   ## 确保存在root用户,作为管理者。
Password of root: 
Type password of root again for confirmation: 
User root created
$ etcdctl auth enable     ## 激活auth功能
Authentication Enabled

$ etcdctl --user root:mypass auth disable  ## 取消认证功能
Authentication Disabled
$ etcdctl auth enable     ## 重新激活auth功能
Authentication Enabled

$ etcdctl --user root:mypass role list  ## 查看已有的所有role.

$ etcdctl --user root:mypass role get goim
Role goim
KV Read:
[im/, im0) (prefix im/)
KV Write:
[im/, im0) (prefix im/)

$ etcdctl --user root:mypass role revoke-permission goim --prefix=true im/  ## 取消goim的权限, 官方文档有remove命令,已经不用了。
Permission of range [im/, im0) is revoked from role goim 
$ etcdctl --user root:mypass role get goim  ## 再次查看,role的相应权限已经取消了。
Role goim
KV Read:
KV Write: 

## 激活认证的情况下,新建其他role
$ etcdctl --user root:mypass role add intoyun-kfkworkers
Role intoyun-kfkworkers created

$ etcdctl --user root:mypass user grant-role myuser intoyun-kfkworkers
Role intoyun-kfkworkers is granted to user myuser
$ etcdctl --user root:mypass user get myuser
User: myuser
Roles: goim intoyun-kfkworkers
$ etcdctl --user root:mypass role grant-permission intoyun-kfkworkers --prefix=true readwrite intoyun-kfkworkers/
Role intoyun-kfkworkers updated


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